Greenhouse plans
Instead of buying a whole greenhouse kit, I have purchased replacement foil and looks like this:
My plan is to build the frame part ourselves, using this example from Pinterest:
And instead of using white PVC tubing, I am going to use black irrigation hose. We have miscellaneous pieces all over the land, many with holes or damage and no longer useful for irrigation. The local lumber. yard has lots of great rough cut lumber at decent prices, so building our winter greenhouse should be reasonable. The cost of mulch and organic matter for the ground will be another story, as I have yet to find a farmer who I can pay to dump a pile cheaply.
The plan is to use the greenhouse for a year and then move it over and use it in that spot for a year, then repeat. Every year, the soil under the greenhouse will be enriched and the gardening area will slowly grow.
I got this idea from Jim Kovaleski, a market gardener who moves back and forth from North to South every year.
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